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4021 / Bavaria
1465969 / 4021 / Bavaria. 4021 / Germany, Bavaria: a cross in the STARNBERGER SEE near the town of BERG marks the spot where Bavarian King Ludwig II. was found dead in 1886. He became famous for his castles including Schloss NEUSCHWANSTEIN- Alfred Buellesbach / VISUM, 2006 - Keywords: Deutschland, Germany, DEU, BRD, Bayern, Bavaria, landscape, Bavarian, lake, See, Starnberger, cross, Mad, King, Ludwig,
27 июля 2006 00:00
Номер фото: #1465969
Размер макс: 5315x1706
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4021 / Germany, Bavaria: a cross in the STARNBERGER SEE near the town of BERG marks the spot where Bavarian King Ludwig II. was found dead in 1886. He became famous for his castles including Schloss NEUSCHWANSTEIN- Alfred Buellesbach / VISUM, 2006 - Keywords: Deutschland, Germany, DEU, BRD, Bayern, Bavaria, landscape, Bavarian, lake, See, Starnberger, cross, Mad, King, Ludwig,

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