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4247 / Pharmacy
735636 / 4247 / Pharmacy. 4247 / Pharmacy: GER, GERMANY, LOWER SAXONY, 16.01.2006: external advertising for a Pharmacy, 91481948. - Markus Hanke / VISUM - Stichworte: Europa, Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Wirtschaft, Gesundheit, Gesundheitssystem, System, Gesundheitskasse, Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheitsreform, Reform, Reformen, Gesundheitspflege, Gesundheitskosten, Kosten, Gesundheitspolitik, Versorgung, versorgen, Medizin, Pharmazie, Krankenversorgung, Krankenkasse, Medikament, Medikamente, Misere, gesund, krank, Apotheke, Laden, Geschaeft, Apotheken, Logo, Apothekenlogo, Schild, A, Zeichen, Symbol, Symbolbild, symbolik, Leben, Lebenserwartung, Erwartung, Lebenszeit, Lang, verlaengern, Lebensdauer, Dauer, Leben, Himmel, Paradies, blau, blauer, klar, klarer # articulative, bargain, biz, blue, bluer, bold, business, char, character, characters, charges, chars, chemist shop, chemist shops, clear, clearly, concern, cost, costs, daffy, diseased, dispensaries, dispensary, downloading, drugs, drugstore, drugstores, economy, europe, evident, expectation, expense, expenses, fascia, figure, fit, germany, hale, health, health cash, health costs, health insurance, health reform, health system, healthful, healthfully, healthily, healthiness, healthy, heaven, icon, ill, imageries, intelligibly, invalidly, joint, life, lifetime, lives, livings, loading, logo, long, lower saxony, lucid, lucidly, mark, medicament, medication, medicinal drug, medicine, medicines, misery, nonhazardous, nonvenomous, paradise, perspicacious, perspicuous, perspicuously, pharmacies, pharmacy, public health, public health policy, reform, reformation, reformations, salubrious, salubriously, salubriousness, salutarily, salutary, sanely, self-evident, serenely, shield, shop, sick, sickly, sign, signal, signboard, signpost, sky, sound, soundness, store, supply, symbol, symbol picture, symbolism, system, tag, to provide, token, transaction, unobscured, vivid, well, wholesome, wholesomely, wholesomeness # 91481948.jpg 20060116
18 июля 2005 17:46
Номер фото: #735636
Размер макс: 2333x3500
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Размер фото     Цена у.е.    

   Обложка     120.00
   1-ая полоса газеты     65.00
   Разворот (от 1/1 до 2/1 A4)     85.00
   Страница (от 1/2 до 1/1 A4)     55.00
   1/2 A4 (до 21x15 см)     30.00
   1/4 A4 (до 15x10.5 см)     27.00
   1/8 A4 (до 10.5x7.5 см)     23.00
   "марка" (до 4.2x3 см)     18.00

4247 / Pharmacy: GER, GERMANY, LOWER SAXONY, 16.01.2006: external advertising for a Pharmacy, 91481948. - Markus Hanke / VISUM - Stichworte: Europa, Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Wirtschaft, Gesundheit, Gesundheitssystem, System, Gesundheitskasse, Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheitsreform, Reform, Reformen, Gesundheitspflege, Gesundheitskosten, Kosten, Gesundheitspolitik, Versorgung, versorgen, Medizin, Pharmazie, Krankenversorgung, Krankenkasse, Medikament, Medikamente, Misere, gesund, krank, Apotheke, Laden, Geschaeft, Apotheken, Logo, Apothekenlogo, Schild, A, Zeichen, Symbol, Symbolbild, symbolik, Leben, Lebenserwartung, Erwartung, Lebenszeit, Lang, verlaengern, Lebensdauer, Dauer, Leben, Himmel, Paradies, blau, blauer, klar, klarer # articulative, bargain, biz, blue, bluer, bold, business, char, character, characters, charges, chars, chemist shop, chemist shops, clear, clearly, concern, cost, costs, daffy, diseased, dispensaries, dispensary, downloading, drugs, drugstore, drugstores, economy, europe, evident, expectation, expense, expenses, fascia, figure, fit, germany, hale, health, health cash, health costs, health insurance, health reform, health system, healthful, healthfully, healthily, healthiness, healthy, heaven, icon, ill, imageries, intelligibly, invalidly, joint, life, lifetime, lives, livings, loading, logo, long, lower saxony, lucid, lucidly, mark, medicament, medication, medicinal drug, medicine, medicines, misery, nonhazardous, nonvenomous, paradise, perspicacious, perspicuous, perspicuously, pharmacies, pharmacy, public health, public health policy, reform, reformation, reformations, salubrious, salubriously, salubriousness, salutarily, salutary, sanely, self-evident, serenely, shield, shop, sick, sickly, sign, signal, signboard, signpost, sky, sound, soundness, store, supply, symbol, symbol picture, symbolism, system, tag, to provide, token, transaction, unobscured, vivid, well, wholesome, wholesomely, wholesomeness # 91481948.jpg 20060116

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