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737424 / 91355559.jpg. Biotechnology in Germany, Saxony: Production plant for micro alga `Chlorella Vulgaris` at OEKOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE ALTMARK GmbH in Saxony. In 20 photobioreactors, consisting of glass tubes of a total length of 480 km, circulate 35.000 litrers water and alga each, that are enriched with carbon dioxide, potassium nitrate and trace elements. Huge greenhouses guarantee an optimum of sun irradiation. Chlorella Vulgaris alga serve as a food supplementing as well as a means for the detoxication of the body from heavy metals like amalgam and many others.` 91355559.jpg 20020000
14 сентября 2006 20:57
Номер фото: #737424
Размер макс: 3801x2484
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Biotechnology in Germany, Saxony: Production plant for micro alga `Chlorella Vulgaris` at OEKOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE ALTMARK GmbH in Saxony. In 20 photobioreactors, consisting of glass tubes of a total length of 480 km, circulate 35.000 litrers water and alga each, that are enriched with carbon dioxide, potassium nitrate and trace elements. Huge greenhouses guarantee an optimum of sun irradiation. Chlorella Vulgaris alga serve as a food supplementing as well as a means for the detoxication of the body from heavy metals like amalgam and many others.` 91355559.jpg 20020000

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