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4071 / rote Ampel
739225 / 4071 / rote Ampel. 4071 / GERMANY, BAVARIA, MUNICH, 19.10.2004: Stoplight / DEUTSCHLAND, BAYERN, MUENCHEN, 19.10.2004: Ampelanlage - David Klammer / VISUM - Stichworte: DEUTSCHLAND, BAYERN, MUENCHEN, Ampel, Ampeln, Ampelverkehr, Strassenverkehr, Verkehr, rot, rote, Anlage, Ampelanlage, Verkehrsfuehrung, Stau, Kollaps, Auto, Autos, Halt, Haltezeichen, anhalten, Halten, Stop, Stopp, Leitung, leiten, Fuehrung, fuehren, verkehren, Strasse, Strassen, Stadt, Stadtverkehr, Verkehrsnetz, oeffentlich, oeffentlicher, Nahverkehr, Infrastruktur # accumulation, arrangement, auto, automobile, automobiles, bavaria, breakpoint, car, cars, city, city traffic, commie, conduction, congestion, construction, cords, direction, duct, enclosure, foothold, germany, guidance, guide, halt, halted, hanging lamp, infra structure, infrastructure, installation, lead, leadership, main, management, more public, motorcar, munich, pile-up, pilotage, pipeline, plant, processor, public, publicly, red, road, road traffic, roads, stop, street, street address, streets, suburban traffic, tailback, to be in the lead, to flag down, to guide, to halt, to hold, to keep, to lead, to retain, to stop, to uphold, town, traffic, traffic congestion, traffic jam, traffic light, traffic light device, traffic light traffic, traffic lights, traffic management, traffic system, transport # - c22x12y05 [Jede Nutzung des Fotos ist honorarpflichtig gemaess derzeit gueltiger MFM Liste ­ Kontakt: Fotoagentur VISUM, Hamburg, T. (+49)40.28 40 82-0,,] 91427691.JPG 20041019
19 октября 2004 00:00
Номер фото: #739225
Размер макс: 3572x3543
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Размер фото     Цена у.е.    

   Обложка     120.00
   1-ая полоса газеты     65.00
   Разворот (от 1/1 до 2/1 A4)     85.00
   Страница (от 1/2 до 1/1 A4)     55.00
   1/2 A4 (до 21x15 см)     30.00
   1/4 A4 (до 15x10.5 см)     27.00
   1/8 A4 (до 10.5x7.5 см)     23.00
   "марка" (до 4.2x3 см)     18.00

4071 / GERMANY, BAVARIA, MUNICH, 19.10.2004: Stoplight / DEUTSCHLAND, BAYERN, MUENCHEN, 19.10.2004: Ampelanlage - David Klammer / VISUM - Stichworte: DEUTSCHLAND, BAYERN, MUENCHEN, Ampel, Ampeln, Ampelverkehr, Strassenverkehr, Verkehr, rot, rote, Anlage, Ampelanlage, Verkehrsfuehrung, Stau, Kollaps, Auto, Autos, Halt, Haltezeichen, anhalten, Halten, Stop, Stopp, Leitung, leiten, Fuehrung, fuehren, verkehren, Strasse, Strassen, Stadt, Stadtverkehr, Verkehrsnetz, oeffentlich, oeffentlicher, Nahverkehr, Infrastruktur # accumulation, arrangement, auto, automobile, automobiles, bavaria, breakpoint, car, cars, city, city traffic, commie, conduction, congestion, construction, cords, direction, duct, enclosure, foothold, germany, guidance, guide, halt, halted, hanging lamp, infra structure, infrastructure, installation, lead, leadership, main, management, more public, motorcar, munich, pile-up, pilotage, pipeline, plant, processor, public, publicly, red, road, road traffic, roads, stop, street, street address, streets, suburban traffic, tailback, to be in the lead, to flag down, to guide, to halt, to hold, to keep, to lead, to retain, to stop, to uphold, town, traffic, traffic congestion, traffic jam, traffic light, traffic light device, traffic light traffic, traffic lights, traffic management, traffic system, transport # - c22x12y05 [Jede Nutzung des Fotos ist honorarpflichtig gemaess derzeit gueltiger MFM Liste ­ Kontakt: Fotoagentur VISUM, Hamburg, T. (+49)40.28 40 82-0,,] 91427691.JPG 20041019

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