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4400 / WHOI Clark Lab South
741000 / 4400 / WHOI Clark Lab South. 4400 / WHOI Clark Lab South : USA, MASSACHUSETTS, WOODS HOLE, 00.10.2005: Brian J. Guest draging a Spray Glider to WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) Clark Lab South. Spray gliders are robotic submarines, known as ИAUVЗ (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles), which navigate underwater without a human crew onboard and without cables connecting them to research vessels at the sea surface. On the left and right lined up several Floats for the worldwide ИARGOЗ Program, consisting of 3,000 free-ranging floats (In Greek mythology, Argo was the ship in which Jason and the Argonauts set sail to search for the golden fleece). Each float sinks to depths of 2,000 meters, drifts with ocean currents for ten days, rises to the surface taking measurements along the way, and then transmits data back to shore via satellite, 91506248. - Stefan Kroeger / VISUM -  91506248.jpg 20051000
19 сентября 2006 19:26
Номер фото: #741000
Размер макс: 3543x3543
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4400 / WHOI Clark Lab South : USA, MASSACHUSETTS, WOODS HOLE, 00.10.2005: Brian J. Guest draging a Spray Glider to WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) Clark Lab South. Spray gliders are robotic submarines, known as ИAUVЗ (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles), which navigate underwater without a human crew onboard and without cables connecting them to research vessels at the sea surface. On the left and right lined up several Floats for the worldwide ИARGOЗ Program, consisting of 3,000 free-ranging floats (In Greek mythology, Argo was the ship in which Jason and the Argonauts set sail to search for the golden fleece). Each float sinks to depths of 2,000 meters, drifts with ocean currents for ten days, rises to the surface taking measurements along the way, and then transmits data back to shore via satellite, 91506248. - Stefan Kroeger / VISUM - 91506248.jpg 20051000

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